Digital Risk Protection Test

  • aNone regularly.
  • bOccasionally, domains containing the company name.
  • cConstantly, domains containing the company name.
  • dDomains containing the company name, trademarks, typos and IDNs.
  • aNo.
  • bYes, checking their records.
  • cYes, checking their content.
  • dChecking both b and c.
  • aNo.
  • bYes, when consumers report visiting a suspicious website.
  • cYes, for domains containing my company name.
  • dYes, we analyze content for suspicious domains and websites.
  • aNo.
  • bYes, when consumers report such pages.
  • cYes, we cover domains and sub-domains containing buzz words.
  • dNot sure.
  • aNo Idea.
  • bBelow 60%.
  • c61%-80%.
  • d81% - 92%.
  • e93% - 98%.
  • f99% - 100%.
  • aNo.
  • bNot constantly.
  • cYes, manual searches from time to time.
  • dMonitor the big 3.
  • eMonitor at least 10 major platforms.
  • aI do not monitor Facebook.
  • bCustomers or colleagues report on suspicious Facebook pages occasionally.
  • cWe provide employee training on how to avoid Facebook scams.
  • dWe regularly monitor Facebook ads, pages, users, groups, etc.
  • eB, C, and D are correct.
  • aNo idea.
  • bBelow 60%.
  • c61%-80%.
  • d81% - 92%.
  • e93% - 98%.
  • f99% - 100%.
  • aWe do not perform social media takedowns.
  • bTakedown requests are sent to legal counsel or to a 3rd party legal services provider.
  • cSecurity team works with the social platforms directly.
  • dLegal counsel is involved in detection and takedown workflows.
  • eWe employ a 3rd party technology-based solution.
  • aNo.
  • bNot constantly.
  • cWe occasionally do manual searches.
  • dWe monitor the CEO’s name on 1 or 2 social media platforms.
  • eWe monitor the CEO and other execs on all relevant social media platforms.
Plese select a option

Extend your protection outside your perimeter

Vulnerabilities Covered

  • Website phishing
  • Social media phishing
  • Cyber-squatting and typo-squatting
  • Executive impersonation (including whaling)
  • Look-a-like online pages

Benefits of successful External
Threat Protection program

  • Protect your customers and employees from phishing
  • Minimize fraud exposure
  • Increase revenues
  • Protect company’s servers and DBs from malware