Unmasking Deceptive Ads: Protecting Brands from Paid Ad Scams on Social Media and Search Engines
Muhammad Abbas

September 28, 2023 / ~6 Min Read / 0 Views

Unmasking Deceptive Ads: Protecting Brands from Paid Ad Scams on Social Media and Search Engines

In today’s digital age, where the virtual realm has become a playground for cybercriminals, protecting your brand’s online revenues and reputation is more challenging and vital than ever before. Among the growing threats, paid ad scams on search engines and social media platforms have emerged as a pervasive issue. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of paid ad scam protection, surveying the challenges, understanding the reasons behind its proliferation, and exploring strategies to safeguard your brand.

The Alarming Rise of Paid Ad Scams

Paid ad scams have proliferated across search engines and social media platforms, posing a significant threat to businesses of all sizes and industries. According to Google’s 2022 Ads Safety Report, 142 million ads were blocked or removed for violating Google Paid Ads’ misrepresentation policy, and a staggering 198 million ads were blocked or removed for violating Google Paid Ads’ financial services policy in 2022 alone. But if you think that paid ad scams are restricted to Google or Bing then think again. Social media ad scams are trending so much that 26.7% of Americans say that they fell victim to social media targeted advertising and an alarming 46.7% have been victims of online shopping scams on social media.

These scams come in various forms, from deceptive advertisements promising fake products or services to fraudulent campaigns aiming to harvest personal data. The consequences of falling victim to these scams can be devastating, ranging from financial losses and damage to reputation to potential legal liabilities.

Why Paid Ad Scams Are Trending

The surge in paid ad scams isn’t by chance; it requires some advanced technological developments on the advertisement platforms. Covid-19 served as a huge catalyst as well when people stayed more and more at home doing their shopping and other activities online

This trend is driven by several factors:

  • Social Engineering Dominance: A striking 98% of cyberattacks rely on social engineering tactics. Social engineering is key in search engines and social media enabling social media ad scams to capitalize on the human element, exploiting trust and curiosity.
  • Bypassing Firewalls: Unlike traditional cyberattacks that may involve breaching firewalls, paid ad scams and social media scams in general operate within the boundaries of legitimate platforms, making them harder to detect.
  • Highly Customized: These scams are highly customized and personalized, increasing their chances of success. Scammers tailor their approach to individual users, making it challenging to spot the deception.
  • Accessible AI Tools: The rise of AI generator tools has democratized the creation of convincing scam ads. Even those with limited technical knowledge can craft sophisticated deceit.
  • Long-Term Deception: Scammers invest time in building long-term relationships with users to establish trust. This trust is then leveraged for more significant scams or data harvesting.
  • Proven Success: Paid ad scams are effective. They boast success rates ranging from 40% to 66%, making them a lucrative venture for cybercriminals.

The Impact on Brands

Brands that monitor their digital landscape to find and remove scam ads on search engines or social media provide excellent service and care for their customers, helping them avoid ad scams. However, the prevalence of paid ad scams can have severe consequences for the brands themselves:

  • Loss of Revenue: Scammers siphon off potential customers and sales by diverting traffic to fraudulent sites.
  • Data Breach and Privacy Concerns: Some scams aim to collect personal information, putting customers at risk of data breaches and identity theft.
  • Reputational Damage: Falling victim to a paid ad scam can tarnish a brand’s reputation and erode customer trust.
  • Legal Liabilities: Brands may face legal repercussions if customers suffer financial losses or harm due to a scam associated with their products or services.

What Should Brands Do?

Understanding the challenges and reasons behind the surge in paid ad scams is essential, but taking action is paramount. Here’s what legal teams and CISOs should consider to protect their brand:

  • Leverage Advanced Technology: Utilize advanced monitoring and detection tools, especially those powered by AI, to identify and flag scam ads promptly.
  • Collaborate with Experts: Recognize that tackling paid ad scams requires expertise. Partner with specialists who excel in scam detection and takedown services. Choose a vendor that has great social media monitoring capabilities and experience taking scam ads down with relevant platforms such as Google, Microsoft, and Meta.
  • Conduct Forensic Analysis to locate scam networks: Don’t stop at removing scam ads; follow the trail to fake landing pages or investigate the social media account behind the ad scam and conduct forensic analysis. This can unveil a broader network of scam ads, social media accounts, and fraudulent landing pages.
  • Fight AI with AI: Use AI to combat AI-driven scams. AI-based solutions can keep pace with the evolving tactics of cybercriminals. They can help you automatically analyze many suspicious ads and detect linkage to uncover hidden scam clusters.
  • Plan Strategically: Develop a comprehensive strategy to protect your brand from paid ad scams. Consider how to respond to different scenarios and anticipate future threats.
  • Know Your Platform: Understand the ins and outs of the platforms where your brand operates. Recognize the risks and challenges unique to each. When it comes to search engine or social media ads management each platform has its own unique regulations, terms of service, and monitoring tools. Knowing them will help you detect scams and remove them.
  • Hire Experts: If needed, bring in experts who can navigate the complexities of paid ad scam protection, and help you utilize all available tools and technology to protect your brand from detection to takedown.


Paid ad scams on search engines and social media platforms pose a significant threat to brands and their reputation. Detecting and combating these scams is challenging, requiring advanced technology, expertise, and a proactive approach. By understanding the motivations behind paid ad scams and implementing robust protection strategies, brands can safeguard their integrity and maintain the trust of their customers in an increasingly complex digital landscape.
In this era of digital deception, brand protection isn’t just a matter of defense; it’s a critical component of maintaining trust and preserving the value of your brand. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay protected.
